Tuesday, November 5, 2013

He chose. I choose.

The boy who chose to follow Christ and be different even at a young age when few were walking the paths he did, didn't know that a girl next door was praying for someone just like that.

1.      He chose Jesus instead of the world.
2.      He chose purity instead of selfishness.
3.      He chose to explore, understand, create, build, design, instead of laziness.
4.      He chose to seek out and listen to wisdom instead of pride.
5.      He chose to work hard and save his money instead of spend it all.
6.      He chose to use his musical talents to worship God instead of the applause of man.
7.      He chose to enjoy his family instead of be too cool for them.
8.      He chose to work doing what he loved instead of what could make him the most money.
9.      He chose to do what he said he would do, instead of good intentions.
10.  He chose to find the good in a situation instead of pessimism.
11.  He chose to laugh, and laugh a lot, instead of taking life too serious.
12.  He chose to make jokes instead of boredom,
13.  He chose adventure instead of contentment.
14.  He chose to embrace a bigger worldview than himself.
15.  He chose to repent and turn instead of stubbornness.
16.  He chose to hide God's word in His heart instead of sin.
17.  He chose to care more what God thought than what people did.
18.  He chose to be real instead of fake.
19.  He chose to take care of his body instead of abuse it.
20.  He chose to invest in what matters to him and God instead of what's cool.
21.  He chose to dare to dream big instead of doubt.
22.  He chose to travel the world instead of settle.
23.  He chose to try new things instead of get "stuck in his ways".
24.  He chose to learn people instead of judge.
25.  He chose to be bold instead of passive.
26.  He chose to be weird instead of normal.
27.  He chose to think before he acted.
28.  He chose to live instead of die.
29.  He chose to give instead of take.
30.  He chose to receive instead of resist.
31.  He chose to be Sean Douglas Rassi instead of someone else.
  32.  He chose me, Kristina Kay Rassi, as his lifetime friend and lover. With all of the choices he made that led up to that day, how could I resist? I couldn't and I still can't. He still chooses these choices every day and they have helped make him into the man that I love sharing life with. God uses him every day to show me Jesus. I'm so thankful he chose.
I chose Him.
He chose me. 
I chose him.
I choose Sean.
I will always choose Sean.
Little choices take us big places.

32 Choices and a Happy 32nd Birthday to my man!

"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you."        

 John 15:16

1 comment:

  1. You made me cry. I had to read this to my boys. What a great challenge to young men! Fantastic!
